(214) 584-6391

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Upcoming Events

We love hosting events to educate, nurture and inspire.

Our Upcoming Events

We love bringing people together to share our knowledge, new insights, and time-tested methodologies that help our clients with all aspects of their retirement strategies. One thing that is important to us is creating solid relationships and partnerships based on trust and integrity, and this can only properly be done when we are meeting each other. Sometimes we do this online and sometimes we do this in person at one of our local events. Whatever the event, you are guaranteed to learn something new and have new ideas and options.

Here are the events that we run on a seasonal basis:

Here are the events that we run on a seasonal basis:

Movie Events

We have hosted a couple of different movie events that showcase a particular story that relates to different people at different stages of their financial life. These events are a lot of fun and create opportunities to meet new people whilst having a night out learning about our financial future!

Next Movie Event: TBC – late 2023

Please register your interest for the next upcoming Movie Event in 2023

Dinner Events

Sometimes a dinner event is the way to go! Getting out and having a nice meal at a restaurant with like-minded people is a great way to have fun whilst learning about new financial investments for retirement. These are intimate and limited in size, so get in quick when they are available!

Next Dinner Event: TBC – late 2023

Please register your interest for the next upcoming Dinner Event in 2023

Workshop-style Events

These workshop-style events are hosted in our small conference room and held in the evenings. They are a great way to have a targeted information session on a particular topic where guests can ask questions and get their answers straight away. People leave armed with new knowledge and a much greater understanding of what their options are for retirement investments.

Next Workshop Event: TBC – late 2023

Please register your interest for the next upcoming Workshop Event in 2023